ShowCases of Analysis with LAGRANTO

The calculation of trajectories is a common technique for the analysis of atmospheric circulation characteristics. The material presented here is used in the curricula at IfM/FUB. It is maintained in the git-project gitlab@ifm (you will need an account at IfM for access). The tools can handle CCLM-output (clm version 5.x) and ERA5 data as input files. There are three major steps in the workflow and the script will provide these major functions by calling the other tools from the toolbox:
  1. Make a new empty folder and create your first configuration file ..... 1

  2. Make a copy and modify the configuration file CONFIGFILE and run the first analysis. The circulation-data will be stored in a cache-folder. (You can setup or rebuild the cache with toolbox-functions.) The result of the analysis is in RESDIR ..... 2 RESDIR CONFIGFILE

  3. Optimize the visualisation and rebuild the figures. This step uses the calculated trajectories ..... 3 RESDIR CONFIGFILE

For more details about LAGRANTO please have a look at the official Lagranto-Homepage or read the tutorial (Aug/2011). Thank's Michael Sprenger and Annika Oertel for startup support.

The source code and example configurations

Produce a Series of Analyses

The repetion of a single analysis with the same configuration but for a different time window can be automated. In the step 1 you have to define a configuration template. It looks like a normal configuration exept the time informations. Here you have to include place holders, e.g. for Y1=1990 use Y1=%Y1%. The placeholder for the real year is %Y1%. Same procedure works for all date definitions (Y1,M1,D1,H1,Y2,M2,D2,H2). For the name of the result file you should add a date mark, e.g. TRAJ_OUT=RESULT_%Y1%%M1%%D1%%H1%. The file extension should be .template instead of .rc. After setup of the template configuration you have to produce in step 2 the series of configuration files. 4 CONFDIR TEMPLATE START STOP DURATION DELTA

The meaning of the command line parameters is

The result of this step is a series of configuration, which differs in the time window. In the last step step 3 you have to run the analysis with each filtered configuration. This can be done in a loop, like this ...

for CONFIG in ${CONFDIR}/*rc; do 2 RESDIR ${CONFIG};done

The results of the series you find in RESDIR. The series of pictures you can prepare for the web visualisization or you can produce a animation, e.g. use ffmpeg. An example is the script

Collection of example outputs

Please try ...


/net/opt/lagranto/traj_showcases/l_all/base/ --help

... following data sets are prepared for LAGRANTO and available in the IfM intranet ...


examples module water cycle
Bsp-Atlantik-Jan2009/North Atlantic [60W-45E, 25N-80N, ca.200hPa]hourly

special project
era5-afrika/cache/Africa [30W-70E, 50S-10N, ca.200hPa] hourly
  • 1/Aug-30/Sep/2016
  • 1/Nov/2017-31/Jan/2018
  • 1/Jul-31/Dec/2018
preprocessed data
KIT_05Grad/Global [180W-180E, 90S-90N, ca.200hPa] 3-hourly
era5_traj_2018/Europe [30W-100E, 10N-80N, ca.200hPa] hourly


Ansprechpartner : Dr. I. Kirchner [e-mail] IfM Zi. 184
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